
Revision as of 11:43, 7 June 2011 by Flower (talk | contribs) (Murder)

Revision as of 11:43, 7 June 2011 by Flower (talk | contribs) (Murder)


  I beleive justices is very important and participle to judg the people equialy. When I started thinking about it I feel it's the wright way to stop the crimes happens in the whole World. Beside this in this time there is international crimes happens in the World for example:The "terrorious" it is the dengerous world crimes killing many people's and epeacilly the survinece people like mans and womans and their children, elderly people also they destroyed the country as well. So, I'm so pleaset their is a justice with a strong and sharp law giving to these kind of people.


Murder is the worst think peolpe can believe they have their wright to kill other people , which I beileve in this time we lived with a millions of murder around the world or even around your county . After I heard in the news last two weeks ago  their is a woman who aressted by a police mans because she killed he disable 11 years boy. She thought her boy was saffering from his mantility problem, the boy wasn't able to walk and talk normaly like the other childrens so the mum make her desicion to take her son for a hoilday and while she's there she put a polo on her boy head to stop him breathing until he stopped breathing it's terrible to say that when I was watching the T.V I was shocked I couldn't believe a mum can do this with her own son and speacily a disable boy. AFTER THE NEWS FINISHED i


Acting in the name of religion

Cruelty to animals

