
Revision as of 09:57, 1 July 2011 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (What do you think is happening here?)

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Revision as of 09:57, 1 July 2011 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (What do you think is happening here?)

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This lesson will introduce you to some words and phrases you need to understand something which will be handed out to you at the end of the clase concerning Refugee Week. You will also get to expand your knowledge concerning some phrasal verbs and nouns which you might not have already known. It is hoped that you will include some of the words you learn in your own short passage of original writing about refugee week.

This is a container sometimes it is called a shipping container

What types of cargo can you think of?

Fish food Meat Cigarettes Live Plants Clothes

What is a stage?

What sort of things can you think of that can be staged?

Dancing Singing

What do you think stow away means?

Bed Ironing board Jam and honey Drinks/Alcohol Herbs Pickles

What sort of things can you stow away?

Now what do you think stowaway means?

Here are some more phrasal verbs which can be made into nouns. Which sentences are incorrect.

Set up
  • Set the stage up
  • Set up the stage
  • Set it up
  • Set up it

Can you think of sway to use the following phrasal verbs?

Put out
Hang up
Hand out
Work out

What do you think the nouns of these verbs might mean?

Can you think of any more?

What do you think is happening here?
