Chavilahite Nation

Revision as of 13:03, 17 September 2006 by Abrahamson (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 13:03, 17 September 2006 by Abrahamson (talk | contribs)

See notes on Genesis 10:7, 2:11. Some identify this with Chavlotai, an area on the Persian Gulf described in ancient geographies (Strabo 16:728. This is Huvaila in Bahrein. Others state that it is Avalitae on the Avalite Bay (now Zeila), a city on the Sea of Adan south of Bab el Mandeb. There is also a Nagar Havili in India, on the Arabian Sea, some 80 miles north of Bombay. There is also a town Chwala on the Caspian Sea, and therefore in Russian the Caspian Sea is called Chwalinskoje More. The name Havilah in the Torah may refer to more than one place.