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Revision as of 03:38, 30 October 2020 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (692)

This page presents an alternative revisionist Islamic narrative proposing that the Arabic-speaking ALLAHAZIM could have played an important role in Islam's Origins eventually becoming the Abbasids under whose rule, Islam evolved into the religion it is today.

Al-Lahazim were Sassanized Arabs


Allahazim served in Khosrau II's army and defeated the Romans in 610 allowing the Ercolian Karaites to settle in Mamuca and control access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram. Sadly the Ercolian Karaites prevented the Taji from accessing AlMasjid AlHaram.


Emperor Heraclius evicted the Ercolian Karaites from Edessa in the early 620s granting them a Stele promising the Arabia instead.


After the Al-Lahazim had conquered Hira, the Ercolian Karaites sent Khalid to subjugate the Al-Lahazim in 633.


Under the Ercolian Karaites, the Taji and Al-Lahazim established a union through the marriage of Husseyn to Shahrbonu and converted Uthman of the Ercolian Karaites to their religion.


Uthman came to power and promoted the Quran much to the annoyance of his family and other Ercolian Karaites.


Uthman appointed Ali as his successor. The Ercolian Karaites went to war against the Taji & Al-Lahazim but the Taji & Al-Lahazim won and ruled until 660.


The Taji & Al-Lahazim were overthrown by the Ercolian Karaites again. The terms of the peace treaty promised that the Taji & Al-Lahazim Candidate (Hussein) would rule following Muawiya.


The Ercolian Karaites did not keep their promise and killed the Taji & Al-Lahazim Candidate Husseyn. Hence the Al-Lahazim established ibn Al-Zubayir as their ruler while the Taji fled to Europe.


Abdul Malik smashes the Stele and crushed Al-Lahazim in 692 but adopted their religion to prevent any further uprisings.


Al-Lahazim overthrew the Umayyads in 649 as the Abbasids and sought to undermine belief in the Quran as Puritanical Arabic Zoroastrian Iconoclasts.