Erev Rav

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Revision as of 06:49, 2 December 2022 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs)

The Erev Rav are a Mixed Multitude of non-Jews who have accompanied Jews wherever they have gone ever since the Exodus. 6000 of them were responsible for the sin of the Golden Calf. They absorb the Mamzerim and Asuphim and Shtukim (Badukim) and Netinim as well as many Gerim and Meshukhararim. They practice Judaism only as it applies for for non-Jews and should not call themselves Jews.

Edomean Ishmaelites

The most famous among the Erev Rav were the Edomean Ishmaelite like Prophet Job.

Edomean Ishmaelites ruled the Jews as the Herodians after the Hasmoneans.

The Petter Chamor Bei Abedan

Rav Yehoshua MiNatzrat devised a system especially for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel who had assimilated into the Erev Rav who his disciples objected to calling themselves Jews. His disciples developed the Petter Chamor system to provide the Erev Rav with religious guidance following the end of the Jewish State in 135.


The leaders of the Erev Rav were behind the Council of Nicea.


They were also instrumental in the Himyarite Kingdom and opposed the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire.

7th Century

In the 610s the Erev Rav assisted Khosrow II in his conquest of the Holy Land.

In 619 their chief Nabai called Hani ibn Qabisa's representative called Dihya ibn Khalifa brokered the Monoenergist alliance with Heraclius against Khosrau II. Dihya was probably the first author of the Ahsana alHadith.

In 622 they won independence from Khosrow II in the battle of Dhu Qar thanks to Hanzala who eventually became their new Nabai.

In 629 following the deposition of Khosrow Heraclius betrayed the Erev Rav and entered an alliance with the Monothelites instead.

In 632 their Rosh Ma'amed was killed and Hanzala asumed rule as Chief Nabai over the Bakr Tribe.

In 633 Muthanna leader of the Muslims in Hira invites Khaled to help against the Persians.

In 634 Ambrus becomes Chief Nabai and leads led them in revenge against Heraclius.

In 636 Umar led the Erev Rav in the battle of Yarmouk for the Holy land. Although he smashed the Byzantines he had no interest in all of the Byzantine territory, only the Holy Land. His focus was on Homs which is where the Bethel foundation stone was kept.

In 654 the Chief Nabai called Tashik (Uthman) led the Erev Rav against Byzantine properties in the Mediterranean after the Byzantines arrested Pope Martin.

In 656, the Byzantines made an alliance with Muawiya but suffered raids from the Erev Rav faithful who were loyal to their new and last Chief Nabai called Abu Turab and opposed Muawiya.

In 661 Muawiya killed Abu Turab and became tolerated by the Byzantines as a client while a Rebellion grew under the leadership of a Hebrew called Ibn AlZubayir from the Royalists (Nasara) of the Bakr tribe who was probably related to Hani's second wife Aisha.

In 683, Ibn AlZubayir attacked Muawiya's Zoroastrian heir Yazid I and captured the Bethel stone from the Kab e Zartosht that Yazid had built on the temple Mount. Whether ibn AlZubayir burned it down or it simply burned down by accident is not clear.

692 ibn AlZbayir's sanctuary on the Khabur River Valley and the Bethel stone are destroyed by Abdul Malik who conquers all of the Erev Rav and unites them under the Marwanid Empire.