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Revision as of 23:55, 6 October 2020 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (660)


Khosrow II appointed an "ignorant Arab" to rule in Al-Hira.


Ibn Ishmael converts from Nestorian Priest (Father Kozim) to Gnostic (Hanif) Baptist (Tsabi).

מעמד Mahmud (محمود)

Ma'amad (pronounced Mahamad) or Mahmud in Tachkastan is the name given to a Jewish Counsel which governs a Jewish community. Each member of the Ma'amad is addressed as Ma'amad. Each Ma'amad appoints its own successor (Khalif)


In the 620s, the Jews and their Ma'amad were evicted from Edessa by Heraclius who granted them Tachkastan instead (the deal engraved in black stone) if they could liberate it from Khosrau II's control and unite in (?monoenergist?) religion. In Tachkastan they received hospitable welcome by the Ishmai'i as relatives despite religious disagreements. Luckily, their Ma'amad (Mahmud) had Zera Israel relatives (through a Jew called Abdul Muttalib) in the area, specifically a Gnostic Baptist (Tsabi) convert from Nestorianism called Ibn-Ishmael and his cousin Ali who were able to make a difference.

The Jewish Ma'amad expounded on Baptist (Tsabi) Homeletic Gnosis for the Jews to use to guide the Noahites. Their Ma'amad also prepared Mishnaic material in Gnostic terms that the various types of devotee (Arab) could understand. These materials (called Ahsana Al Hadith) became the materials from which the Islamic Quran would eventually be formed.

Although Gnostic Baptists used to face South to worship, every Noahite Synagogue was built roughly facing Jerusalem.

It seems the chief Ma'amad had a son called Ibn Khalifa who was an important Messenger in carrying the Homeletic Gnosis from their Ma'amed to the Jewish teachers of Tachkastan. Thanks to their Ma'amad, Ibn-Ishmael the Tsabi soon rose to prominence in Tachkastan as he won over various Ishmai'i as Noahites from among the Arabs (devotees).

According to a tradition preserved by Abu Isa, the word Nabi was given a lower meaning compared to the Hebrew word Navi. Nabis were Jews who served as Pastors for the Noahites in fulfilment of the commandment to be a light unto the nations. People in Tachkastan known to have identified themselves as Nabis included:

1. Nabi ibn Abu Kabsha
2. Nabi Maslamah bin Habib
3. Nabi Sajah
4. Nabi Rahman (Al-Aswad al-Ansi)
5. Nabi Tulayha
6. Nabi ʿAbdallāh ibn Saʿd ibn Abī Sarḥ
7. Nabi Saf ibn Sayyad

At least one of the Nabis (Ibn-Ishmael) was raised to Mahmud status.

Having united the people of Tachkastan under one religion, the Ma'amad supplied Heraclius's weapons to them to overthrow the Persians.

Assisted by Salman I Fars's Parthian Knights, Mahmud Ibn Ishmael led Tachkastan to independence from the Persiks punishing all Judases along the way.


21st March Heraclius makes a triumphant entry liberating Jerusalem under the "True Cross".


After that, a certain jealous Abu Bakr whose daughter served as a maid to Mahmud Ibn Ishmael ordered her to poison him in 632. Abu Bakr aimed to take his place as successor not realising he had already appointed Ali to be his successor. Then gathering his own party, he threatened all of the Nabis if they would not submit to him. Nabi Maslamah bin Habib, Nabi Sajah and Nabi Rahman were all killed. The Judases Nabi Tulayha and Nabi Abdallah ibn Saad and the Dajjalic Nabi Saf all pledged allegiance. But the Dajjalic Nabi Saf was not trusted and eventually vanished. With his accomplices, Abu Bakr established his own Ma'amad. Jews were essentially prohibited from teaching Gnosis unless they joined his team. Those who did not accept the new rules were called traitors and massacred.


Sophronius bans Heraclius's supporters from the Holy Land.

Abu Bakr's team then taught the Taji of Mehmet that they had to invade the Holy Land in 634.


Umar who was well versed in the Torah took control of the community in 636 and likewise cracked down on all the Gnostic-Jews of Arabia who did not accept his the new rules just as Abu Bakr had before him. Those who accepted the new rules were rewarded for their silence.

Kab al-Ahbar advises Umar to build a sanctuary on the Temple Mount

Sophronius surrenders Jerusalem to Umar but later refers to his sanctuary as an "Accursed Masjid".

The Quranic materials he helped Abu Bakr collect Umar entrust to the hands of his daughter Hafsa and forgets about them.


Sophronius dies.

Umar estsblishes Heraclius's Monophysite Archbishops in the Holy Land.

Umar ordered Coins with Heraclius and his Son on one side but a Gnostic TAU Cross of Calvary on the back.

Heraclius abandons Monophysites for Momothelitism.

Umar has never met a more Holy Man than Coptic Pope Benjamin.

He asks the Taji to translate the Gospels into Arabic, but not the Quran.

The evidence suggests that Umar served Heraclius as a Gnostic Christian interested in normative Christianity.


In 644 Uthman came to power. As far as we know he does not see any need to issue any new currency.

Ali, Ibn Masood and Ubayy present their Dyothelite Tomes to Pope Martin for approval.

Pope sends letter of approval to Uthman.

Uthman's Ma'amad frantically tries to re-write Tome and destroys Umar's previous collection.


Pope Martin is arrested.

Uthman sends navy to attack Byzantines in the Battle of Masts.

Pope Martin saved from execution is banished to Chereson.


In 656 Easterners killed Uthman so Westerners go to war against Easterners.

Neither issue any new currency.

Westerners soon submit to Byzantium in return for help.


In 660 Byzantine client Muawiya has Ali killed.

No new coins are issued.


6th Ecumenical Council ends Byzantine Antidyoenergism.

In 680 Yazid tried to succeeded Muawiya and killed Ali's son Hussain.

Ex-sassanian Ibn Zubayir captured the imperial black stone seal and extended his Arabized Sassanian Caliphate as far west as Hejaz.

The Umayyads managed to destroy the black stone but Zubayir fixed it with silver.

Abbasid-style Islam begins with Ibn Zubayir missing the days of Sassanian authoritarianism.


Resurgence of Fire-worship as various Arabized Sassanian coins minted are used from Egypt to Iran.


Abdul Malik declares Muhammad is Rasul Allah.