Noahite Christian Gnostic

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Revision as of 13:14, 1 November 2020 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (610)

Gnostic HaGarim in the Roman Province of Tachkastan followed the Essene Jews from whom the Manicheans had seceded from them under the influence of Marcionism and Mandaeism.

Noahite Gnostics did not consider themselves Arabs (9:97) but spoke an Arabic dialect influenced by Imperial Aramaic which they called Intelligible Arabic (16:103) to distinguish it from the common Quraysh language spoken by Muslim Arabs (49:14).

They were commonly Gnostic Zera-Israel who rejected any Nasrani and Hindu claims to Abraham.

They called Minim Judases but recognized their common ground (5:82) with Ebionite-like Jewish Messianists (Notsari) but called themselves the Believers (2:62) and also welcomed Halakhic Jews as Those who Guide (Alazeena Haadu) and Noahites as Judeo-Baptists (Sabi).

Unlike Gentile Gnostics but in common with the Noahite Judeo-Baptists, they equated the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob with the Gnostic God the Father on High rather than with the Demiurge who they and the Judeo-Baptists equated with Satan.

They themselves rejected Messiah-Sonship and believed instead only in angel-sonship seeing Rebbe Yehoshuah Minzaret (whom they called Ieso) as actually a threefold Aeon (Rasul) called Mitra (Mitatrun) who only looked like a human but was not really a human being at all. They believed that the same Aeon had visited the planet many times before such as for example as Abraham's Visitors. This Aeon whom they called Mahamadim (Ahmed) united within itself, Mahmad the Suffering Temple Word alongside Ieso the Guiding Spiritual Light.


After defeating the Romans in 610, the Ercolian Karaites who had settled in Mamuca did not allow the Noahite Gnostics access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Jerusalem.

A Quraysh called Father Kozim ibn Ishmael converted from Nasrani to Gnostic and began his studies under Gabriel in the monastic Cells of Hira. He was soon promoted to Mahmud status.


Gabriel of the Noahite Gnostics came from Heraclius announcing the decree from on high to unite in religion. They were supported by various Pahlavi families. The Ercolian Karaites thought they could use this to their advantage and went from Edessa to Tachkastan where their Ma'amad, Mehmet, Muhmad, Mahmud established an alliance with the Noahite Gnostics in 622.


The Noahite Gnostics made an alliance with Al-Lahazim in 636 through Shahrbonu and converted Uthman of the Ercolian Karaites to their religion.


Uthman came to power and promoted the Quran in Intelligible Arabic much to the annoyance of his family and other Ercolian Karaites.


Uthman appointed Ali as his successor. The Ercolian Karaites went to war against the Noahite Gnostics & Al-Lahazim but the Noahite Gnostics & Al-Lahazim won.


The Noahite Gnostics ruled until 660 when they were overthrown by the Ercolian Karaites again. The terms of the peace treaty promised that the Noahite Gnostics & Al-Lahazim Candidate (Hussein) would rule following Muawiya.


The Ercolian Karaites did not keep their promise and killed the Noahite Gnostics & Al-Lahazim Candidate. Hence the Al-Lahazim established ibn Al-Zubayir as their ruler while the Noahite Gnostics fled first to Armenia then Thrace.

The Noahite Gnostics still survive today as the Tzigane of Biharia.