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Hrpatian Agathyrsi were Austrogoths who lived in Dacia under the rule of King Decabel. The Simeonite Romaniote traders who Decebel invited to live among them were centred in Maramureș-Bukovina and began to call themselves Akatziri.

In the 400s the Akatziri were led by an E-Y6940 Kohen called Karadak whose son wed the Josephite "Red Jewish" daughter of Togarmah's Csaba the Hun to become the father of Pota.

In the 500s, the Kuvalyzian Ashinas conquered Csaba's Ed Unok-Hundurs, Edemen Daco-Vulgars and Pota's Maramureș-Bukovina Akatziri (Cozarig) from whom Kuvrat's Kuvalyzian Ashinas inherited the Kuthri/Kuzari/Cozari name which devolved into Khazar over time. Likewise Csaba's Vulgars, Unogs and Cozari inherited the name Kuvar and Ashinas from the Kuvalyzian Ashinas.

Edemen led his "Avar" Kuvalyzes in a campaign to recapture the lands of his Grandfather Attila. Their descendants became the Szekeleys and adopted Trinitarian Shittuf.

Meanwhile, Pota's Akatziri traded with both Edemen and their Kuvalyz rulers to the East. Although the Akatziri were very tinok shenishba by then, they continued to preserve some Judaic traditions and eventually converted back to Judaism. They established colonies from as far as Chelarevo in the west where 8th-9th century, archaeological excavations have revealed about 650 graves on the Čelarevo burial site. The site characteristic by the graves featuring Judaic culture, where fragments of Roman brick were found with patterns of a seven-branched candelabrum (menorah), etrog and lulav carved on a later date. Few inscriptions on the brick fragments were deciphered as Jehuda or HaShem and Israel. Some of the skulls in the burials were racially Mongoloid, whereas the ancient Israelites are assumed to have been Caucasoid. The Jewish graves included Roman brick fragments with engravings of menorahs, etrogs, and lulavs.

The story of their teshuva tells how having consulted with one of the Gothic Philosophers, they invited a sage of Trinitarian Shittuf from Edemen and an Islamic sage from the Ashinas to explain their positions before finally accepting a Judaic tradition from Isaac Sangari.

Sabriel c.740, Obadiah 780-800 during his rule occurred the "Avar civil war" as he established Talmudic Judaism and split with Khazaria. Hezekiah, Manasseh I, Hanukkah, the brother of Obadiah; next (814-?), Isaac, his son; afterwards (?-835), his son Zebulun, then his son Moses-Menasseh in whose time Marot conquered the Cozar People in Transylvania. Then his son Nisi, then his son Aaron I, then his son Menahem/Menumorut, then his son Benjamin, then his son Aaron II.

Though based in Maramureș-Bukovina, many Akatziri lived in the Criș river basin:

When they were conquered by Mauros, the Akatziri living in the Szamos (Shambatian) river basin remained under the rule of the Bulanids of CuzdriOara who eventually called for reinforcements from Maramureș-Bukovina.

The name CuzdriOara meaning CozariFort comes from the Romanian form of the Akatziri name.

839-870s Hungarians make alliance with Kabars in Etelköz. In 881, the Hungarians, together with Etelköz (Old Halychyna)'s Cowari are mentioned at Culmite possibly Kollmitz or Kulmberg in the vicinity of Vienna. (Annales Iuvavenses maximi). 882 The Polans who had split with the Kara-Khazars under Khan-Tuvan Dyggvi are conquered by the Rurikids. 894 to 906 Menahem/Mojmir II of Moravia was called Menumorut (Stallion of Morut) by the Hungarians because he had many wives and was called Ben Marot by the People that are called Cozar who inhabited Carpathia. 896 Bulan's "Cowari" assisted in the restoration of Hungary. 907 Carpats & Dulevi support Oleg of Novgorod's raid on Byzantium. Jews of Hungary transmitted a letter from Hasdai ibn Shaprut to the new Cozár Prince Joseph 950s-960s who writes back.

The main base of the Akatziri remained in Maramureș-Bukovina but Kiabar Jews descended from the easternmost portion of Bulan's Judaic Cozar People even reached as far as Kopyriv Kinets' in the East.

981 Northern parts of Etelköz (Old Halychina) are conquered by Vladimir the Great. The descendants of the Kabar Count Samuel Aba (990-1044) also belong to this Haplogroup. At this time the people of Etelköz (Old Halychyna) came to be known as Pechenegs and Black-Hats from whom the Haredi-Hasidim adopted the tradition of wearing black hats.

The Moldovian lands of Maramureș-Bukovina's Akatziri continued to exist as a province named Halych after the Kuvalyzes of Khazaria until they were conquered by the Rus. 1084 Premyshl and Terebovina are conquered.

Eventually the new centre of Eastern Yiddish culture moves north from Bukovina to Malopolska which is lovingly termed Ashkenazia.