Di Royte Yidn

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Di Royte Yidn (The Red Jews) is the Yiddish term for the Notzrim ("Lost Sheep" of Israel) identified with Esau's Gog in Magog (Wonderland) but of whom it is said many will return to alliance with the Judaism.

Wonderland lay beyond “the Mountains of Darkness” and the mythical Sambatyon River. This legend was given several treatments in Eastern European Yiddish literature. One of the best known is I.L. Peretz’s novella “Three Weddings,” which begins:

“Far, far beyond the Mountains of Darkness, across the Sambatyon, is a country named Wonderland where the Royte Yidn live. In its capital, in the king’s royal estate of Faithstone, once stood a tall, white marble palace. With its hundreds of golden columns and thousands of diamond-bright windows, this palace was beautiful, as was the lush park that formed a sea of green around it.”

In Yiddish folklore, di royte yidn were brave warriors who one day would come to the rescue of their oppressed fellow Jews living under Christian and Muslim domination; they were not specifically associated with the Khazars, whose kingdom had been destroyed by the late 10th century, before Eastern European Jewry came into being. (It has been speculated that Jewish refugees from Khazaria were themselves partly responsible for Eastern European Jewry’s creation.)

Those loyal to the Traditional Judaic Authorities have practically been eliminated by the Nazis.