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Noahites are known in the Torah as Hagarim or Ha-Garim or Ha-Gerim or Ha-Geirim meaning The Gers or The Pilgrims or The Migrants are Noahites. They are people who have accepted the Laws of Noah. They are called Muslamai in the Targum of Rabbi Onkelos. The Arabic scriptures refer to them as משלם.

The word "Hagar" is the epithet given to Keturah which was changed in an attempt to distinguish Hagar from Keturah by the Karaites around 1000 years ago when the Karaites inserted the Nikudot into the Masoretic text. Keturah came from Hagarim so Hagarim are not physical descendants of Keturah.

Hagarim are of three types:

Chokhmei Umot HaOlam anywhere.
Chassidei Umos HaOlam who subscribe to a Jewish Makom.
Tzadikei Umos HaOlam who have joined the Nation of Priests.