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Did you know that Noahides are the means by which the Messiahs save Lost Sheep of the House of Israel and that the Evangelion and Islamic Quran are mostly about their role? There are two basic kinds of Noahide. Which type might you be? Learn the difference and similarities between Noahism and Noahide Judaism by studying this website to understand more.
Welcome to the WikiNoah educational project of UNC Inc a platform to share sources, opinions, original research and synthesis of knowledge concerning Noahism and Noahide Judaism (primarily from the Romaniot, Italian and Ashkenazi perspective) to combat ubiquitous misinformation online from extremist fanatic ideologies like Nazionalism, Kahanism and Islamism but also antisemitism, islamophobia and any bigotry which is against biblical principles. We applaud the religious devotion that many faiths exhibit and only hope they will all renounce Anti-Judaism which is the root of all anti-semitism.
Founded in 2006 by Hareidim and Baptised Noahides interested in the Petter Khamor tradition under the auspices of the late Rav Dov Meir Stein's Nascent Sanhedrin Project. All wikinoah editors should be supporters of Scribal Judaism so if you notice something against it please post a note to one of the Admin.
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English Wikinoah currently has around 530 registered members. Any Beit Din of HaShem only accepts Righteous Among the Nations as Official Noahides during a Jubilee year. In accordance with this law we will be accepting Righteous Gentiles who have remained in Good Standing with the Jewish community until then as Official Noahides for one year only from sunset October 12 2035 to sunset October 1 2036.
Noahism is not a religion nor a belief system. It is simply Judaism's description of a secular system of universal civil ethics. Noahism is the idea that there are 7 ethical principles that mankind needs to uphold. This is called the Brith Shalom or Rainbow covenant. Anyone who...
- 1. promotes the rule of Law.
- 2. and rejects theft,
- 3. rejects murder,
- 4. rejects lewdness,
- 5. rejects cruelty to animals,
- 6. rejects religious charlatanry,
- 7. and rejects idolization of any material thing in the Noahite Movement regardless of whether they know it or not and regardless of their religious persuasion or lack thereof. The word used in the Targum Onkelos to refer to such people maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel is Muslamai and in Hebrew is Meshulamim meaning 'those in covenant with G-d'.
There are many kinds of Noahism but this website focuses on Noahide Judaism for those Meshulamim who have decided to observe these laws because they are part of Judaism's Oral Torah revealed at Mount Sinai. Only such Noahides csn be called Ma'aminim in Judaism. According to Judaism, Noahites who accept Judaism as the rule of Law are guaranteed a place in Olam HaBa. They are called התושבים in the Torah if they take an Oath-Brit of fealty in front of 3 Jews and do tevilah according to the system established by the Chazal when the Jubilee was in effect (i.e. before 135CE). However, some people have been recognized by the Israeli Rabbinut as Chassidei Umos HaOlam apparently without those criterial applying. For an overview on the history of such Noahites please start with God-Fearers_and_the_Identity_of_the_Sabians.
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