Category:Petter Chamor Approach
The Petter Chamor Approach extrapolates the Tosaphist idea that c.86CE the Herodian Sanhedrin commissioned Simon Clopas (Hakham Elijah) to compile the Evangelion (NT) in order to convert Jewish Notzrim into Messianic Noahides for the good of Israel in an act of Tikkun Olam.
This approach is only for Messianist non-Jews being the only Bnai Noach traditionally known to Ashkenazim. Jews guiding this approach have historically distinguished between an early Pandera and a late Pandira and a middle Pantera in the Talmuds and have regarded the one in the middle as a human Rabbi halakhically conceived by regular Jewish parents though they permitted Hassidei Umot HaOlam to see him as an angelic Yanin or Yeshua Sar HaPhanim. The approach has its origin in the School of Shimon ben Shetach and the Chazal (especially Yochanan ben Zakkai an Akiva) but follows both Talmuds and the Teliya, Eliezer Kallir and Pirqoi ben Baboi in accordance with the teachings of Ramban, Rashi, the Tosafists (such as Simhah ben Samuel of Vitry and Rabbeinu Tam, Yechiel of Paris and Moses of Coucy, Judah of Melun, and Samuel ben Solomon of Château-Thierry), the Ashkenzi Hassidim (such as Rabbi Yehuda HeHasid), Elijah Baal Shem of Chelm, Rabbeinu Yerucham, the Meiri, the Rema, the Ramdu and Rabbeinu Bahiya, various Kabbalists (such as Nachman of Breslov), Jacob Emden, Baruch Fränkel-Teomim, Rav Elijah Tsvi Soloveitchik, Judah David Eisenstein, Samson Raphael Hirsch, Moses Rivkis, Pinchas Lapide and Rabbi Harvey Falk.
It uses some terms popularized by Rambam.
It postulates that a two-tier Judaism (the meat for Jews and Rashbi's unbroken-bones doctrine for the Hassidic Gentiles who have been called by HaShem) was established by Hakhamim like Ceiphas Kalpus Cippah under the direction of the Sanhedrin to deal with the Notzrim as a sort of Kiruv project bringing Notzrim back to the love of HaShem by making Hassidei Umot HaOlam as a form of Tikkun. This approach separates the Notzrim from Israel by distinguishing the Hassidei Umot HaOlam from Jews in the same way that a Laity are distinguished from an Episcopate. It is therefore jurisdictionally hierarchical and Exclusivist but based on compassion and attempting to define one halakhic faith for the Hassidei Umot HaOlam in terms of traditions customs and practice. It assumes that the plethora of sects of Christianity and Islamism are corruptions of this system while all other traditional religions around the world are distortions of the Derekh Eretz practiced by the patriarchs before the rules for Gerim were revealed at Mount Sinai in the Mishnah and Torah.
This is the approach of the Havariun (حواريون) as a counter-mission against Esau's Notzrut and to make Ishmaelim out of Esau by making Hassidei Umot HaOlam. As it is said:
- הם קנאוני בלא אל כעסוני בהבליהם
- וגו׳ אלו נוצרים. שאינן כלום
- בגוי נבל אכעיסם
- אלו ישמעאלים
Under this approach there is a Halakhic Christian form of Judaism for Ishmaelim which was developed by the Ceiphas Kalpus Cippah trio under instruction from the Sanhedrin. This movement's heroes such as Judah Ha-Hasid use G-d's name in the fight to distinguish the Notzrim from Israel.
This category also includes pages which discuss Noahidism and Christian faith before the ecumenical councils split the Eastern and Western Churches. These pages have information derived from rulings from Christian traditions. They either reflect a possible historical connection with Noahidism, or teachings that have been modified such that they are compatible with Noahide Law.
Petterine Noahites differ from other Noahites in that they have a more organised doctrine and more a complex origin. They're history starts with the Zurvanist Magi Sabians of the Zoroastrian tradition resulting from the influences of Greek, Jewish and Buddhist reasoning on Zoroastrianism. The failthful Zurvanist Magi awaited the arrival of their Saoshyant "Maitreya Budasaf" to deliver them from the chaos. Around 70BC, the Notzri heresey which mainly targeted Isaacites for conversion to Gnoticism (Notzrut), began to spread among the Zurvanist Magi, and a heretical kind of Magus began to appear. The Notzri Magians were Bitheistic Dualists who considered the God of the Torah to be a false god and his opponent to be the true god. It was thanks to the missionary work of Simon Kefa (Peter) bar Jonah that the Zoroastrian Sabians were pulled out of the sect of Notzrim and returned to the truth to become known as Petrine Sabians. Petrine sabians are especially dedicated to counter-missionary work reaching out to assimilated Israelites. This is because despite they themselves being officially agnostic, they are dedicated to righting wrongs and restoration of the status quo to set things right. They are fundamentally against innovation, cults and sectarians. Theosebeia/Seboghatullah is to take a tabla erasa approach. As such, it is Abram, Siddarta Gautama, perhaps Moses, Maitreya Budasaf, and The Arabian Prophet SAW who best exemplify the path that a Sabi should take towards Hanifhood.
Pages in category "Petter Chamor Approach"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.